Student club committee meeting Faculty of Industrial Technology Year 2021

Student club committee meeting Faculty of Industrial Technology Year 2021

Student club committee meeting Faculty of Industrial Technology Year 2021 on Wednesday 19 January 2022 Deputy Dean for Student Affairs presided over the student club committee meeting Faculty of Industrial Technology to prepare for student development activities and the expiration of the student club’s term Faculty of Industrial Technology for the year 2021 prepares for student club elections Academic year 2022 via online system (Google meet)


Promoting Morality and Ethics through Value of Good Governance Project” (ITA). Such the activity

Promoting Morality and Ethics through Value of Good Governance Project” (ITA). Such the activity

         On February 28, 2022, Student Activities and Alumni Affairs Sub-division of Student Development Division organizes “Promoting Morality and Ethics through Value of Good Governance Project” (ITA). Such the activity, this workshop on “Building a Body Shield for Good Day with Purified Heart” batch 2 is co-chaired by Mr. Kasem Chittiwuthnon and Mr. Tinnapop Patana, Anti-Corruption Officers (Professional level) Via Zoom program and Live via SDD Facebook page.


image processing activities “Innovative Research Signing Ceremony Product development project for students of glitter serum with Himalayan salt innovation HUB

image processing activities “Innovative Research Signing Ceremony Product development project for students of glitter serum with Himalayan salt innovation HUB

mage processing activities Innovation Research Signing Ceremony Product development project for students serum glitter with Himalayan salt innovation HUB by SC Grand Co., Ltd. between Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University by Assistant Professor Dr. Nuttanaphon Eknarachindawat and by SC Grand Company Limited at the Doctor of Philosophy Conference Room Department of Development Management, Building 31, 3rd Floor



Participated in the Youth Democracy Training Year 2022

Participated in the Youth Democracy Training Year 2022

          Mr. Budilah Musa, student of the Department of Public Health and Health Promotion College of Allied Health Sciences Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Samut Songkhram Campus Representative from Samut Songkhram Province Participated in the Youth Democracy Training Year 2022 with Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly, giving a keynote speech on the topic of “Prosperous Country when the country is honest” In addition, members of the government and opposition representatives gave a lecture on the topic of “Dialogue Youth Meets Sor. Member of Representatives, Academic Lectures on “In Thai Political System” For the assessment of knowledge, ability, understanding and participation in the youth democratic training activities 2022, Mr. Budilah Musa passed the criteria with a score of 89.63 points.






คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์  มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทาร่วมโครงการกำลังใจในพระดำริฯ ให้ความรู้ด้านกฏหมายผู้แก่ผู้ต้องขังเรือนจำจังหวัดกาญจนบุรี ครั้งที่ 2 เมื่อวันที่ 13 – 14 สิงหาคม 2563 โดยมีหัวข้อบรรยาย ดังนี้ หัวข้อที่ 1.ความรู้เบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับคดีอาญาและคดีแพ่ง หัวข้อที่ 2.ความผิดอาญาพื้นฐานที่ประชาชนควรรู้ หัวข้อที่ 3.จุดเริ่มต้นของกระบวนการยุติธรรม (ชั้นสืบสวน) หัวข้อที่ 4.จุดเริ่มต้นของกระบวนการยุติธรรม (ชั้นสอบสวน)  หัวข้อที่ 5.เราอยู่ส่วนไหนของกระบวนการยุติธรรม หัวข้อที่ 6. ผู้ต้องขัง คือ ใคร


Lecture on the topic “Transforming the university through the crisis for sustainable survival”

Lecture on the topic “Transforming the university through the crisis for sustainable survival”

          Associate Professor Dr. Somdet Rungsrisawat Dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences with executives and academic and support personnel welcomed and listened to a special lecture from the President of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Council Associate Professor Dr. Ruedech Kerdwichai and President of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Associate Professor Dr. Chutikarn Sriwiboon on the topic “Transforming the University through Crisis for Sustainable Survival” Associate Professor Dr. Ruedech Kerdwichai spoke about the need to transform the university. Because the advancement of technology has changed by leaps and bounds. The population in the tertiary age has continued to decline. The competition was intense and fierce. Learners need knowledge that is powerful and immediately usable. The selling point that will make people interested in studying at the university is at The course must meet the needs of the learners. Master’s Wisdom students’ knowledge Leadership and Executive Vision Associate Professor Dr. Chutikarn Sriwiboon concluded that if going through the crisis for the sustainable survival of the university will have to adjust the strategy add audience Change your attitude to survive Adjust the curriculum to meet the needs of learners and government policies. network promote good people Lecturers are responsible for teaching, research, and academic services. Support lines must be multi-functional. Support academic work with all teachers Always improve your skills Knowledge of digital technology Prepare various platforms In order to promote teaching and learning in a new and modern way, at the heart of executives must be smart leaders. All personnel in the organization must work as a team and take responsibility for the tasks assigned to the best of their abilities in order for the organization to survive sustainably like all of us. at the Benjasiladon Conference Room Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Samut Songkhram Campus