Lecture on labor potential development training project to increase labor productivity Under the project to increase labor productivity to SME 4.0 for fiscal year 2022
บรรยายโครงการฝึกอบรมพัฒนาศักยภาพแรงงานเพื่อเพิ่มผลิตภาพแรงงาน ภายใต้โครงการเพิ่มผลิตภาพแรงงาน สู่ SME 4.0 ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2565
Lecture on labor potential development training project to increase labor productivity Under the project to increase labor productivity to SME 4.0 for fiscal year 2022
On July 26, 2022, Ajarn Sarayut Kwanmuang, Deputy Director of Special Affairs along with Ajarn Naphatsawan Khomkhom, a lecturer in the Department of Logistics Management. Invited by the Nakhon Phanom Skills Development Office as a lecturer for a training program to develop labor potential to increase labor productivity Under the project to increase labor productivity to SME 4.0 for fiscal year 2022, the project aims to provide knowledge about business management fundamentals. Encourage entrepreneurs to have knowledge on techniques to increase labor productivity. Develop potential and develop skilled workers and increase the competitiveness of business establishments at Ar Photo Hotel Nakhon Phanom Province