The Sky Garden, The Walkie Talkie Building, Original London Photo of newest Iconic Building, Transfer onto Painted Canvas, Unusual Funky Gift,
The Sky Garden at The Walkie Talkie Building, Couple in the Window, Original London Photo, Transfer onto Painted Box Canvas.
This photo was taken in June 2016 from our living room on the Isle of Dogs.
My husband rigged up my little Nikon CoolPix to our telescope and took this shot of The Sky Garden.
It's one of the amazing tall buildings in the City you can actually go inside.The view is fabulous, maybe not as high as other viewing platforms but better for it as you can get a really good look newest at everything.
What we especially loved about this photo is the silhouette of the couple leaning against the glass window, that could've been us when we were there.....
It's a romantic place for a date, elegant if you're drinking or dining but just as much fun if snuggling up on the open air balcony, taking a selfie in front of The Shard!
This is one of those places you just have To Do in London!