Fancy Engraved Bolt Action Click Pen
Easy Flow 9000 Parker Style Refill
I turned this blank on a wood lathe to which I curved and shaped it to fit the pen kits. I then proceeded to start from 80 grit and working my way all the way down to 12,000 grit sand paper. The newest blank was then polished twice with plastic cleaner and extra glass to give it the shine and protection needed to withstand a lifetime of use.
-Red Malle Burl
-Bolt Action Click Activation
-Easy flow Parker Style Ink
-Fancy Engraved Bolt Action Click Pen
-Black Leatherette Pen Box [not pictured]
I'm a teenager currently studying Computer Science & Engineering at UW and I turn pens as a hobby. I've been turning for over a year now and I am dedicated to precise and stunning pieces of pen art. My pens make great gifts and I do custom work at no extra cost. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Product code: Fancy Engraved Bolt newest Action Click Pen