Master Occultist and Satanist Carl Nagel has surpassed himself with this, his latest - and most anticipated - work of Black Magick to date.
Finally, the Supreme Rituals of Lucifer are revealed!
For many years, the Rites of Luciferian Magick have been quietly passed from Black Coven-to-Black Coven, jealously guarded by the true Satanists of this world.
Finally, Satanic expert and respected Occult authority Carl Nagel has decided to break his silence, and reveals here the closely-held secrets of Lucifer himself!
Within the pages this remarkable book, you will find a series of carefully adapted Luciferian rites, which have been designed specifically for ease of use by the would-be modern-day Black Magician. We must emphasise that you need absolutely no previous experience of Magickal Workings; the Black newest Rites of Lucifer can be performed by the absolute beginner, with no special equipment, in the privacy of your own home.
It's no great secret that the rites of Dark Magick are frequently both far more powerful AND effective that other forms of Magickal working, and this book will show you exactly why that is - and ALLOW YOU TO PROVE IT FOR YOURSELF!
Carefully written, to ensure complete safety and effectiveness, Carl Nagel takes you through a wide variety of practical Black Magick workings, including:
-The Supreme Ritual of the Inverted Pentagram
- The Spirits of the Inverted Pentagram
- The Conjuration of Lucifer
- Construction of the Talisman of Lucifer
- The Black Rite to Live an Opulent Life
- The Black Rite to Bring Success
- The Black Rite to Live a Charmed Life
- The Black Rite to Satisfy Lustful Desires
- The Black Rite to Seduce an Innocent
- The Black Rite to Increase Sex Appeal
- A series of Black Rites for Punishing Enemies
- The Black Rite for Revenge
- The Black Rite to Overcome Opposition
- The Black Rite for Power Over Others
- The Black Rite to Become Famous
- The Black Rite to Win A Legal Action
.....And much, much more!
But this amazing book doesn't end there!
EXCLUSIVE to this book, and available NOWHERE ELSE, you will be given full access to the fabled and massively powerful BLACK PSALMS.
Never before revealed, these Black, Luciferian Verses contain the power to unlock everything you could ever wish for...and much, much more!
Make no mistake, The Black Rites of Lucifer is destined to become a very highly sought-after Black Grimoire, and one that you will use and cherish for decades to come.
Product code: The Black Rites newest of Lucifer Carl Nagel Black Magick Occult Witchcraft Satanism Talismans