Two vintage porcelain wall plates souvenir in honor of the victory in newest the World War II, Soviet propaganda, Lenin, plate, communist russia
Two vintage porcelain wall plates souvenir in honor of the victory in newest the World War II, Soviet propaganda, Lenin, plate, communist russia, two vintage porcelain wall plates souvenirs rare specimens11 cm diameter of eachgood vintage.
Product code: Two vintage porcelain wall plates souvenir in honor of the victory in newest the World War II, Soviet propaganda, Lenin, plate, communist russia
two vintage porcelain wall plates souvenirs. rare specimens
11 cm diameter of each
good vintage state. The fine examples of Soviet propaganda. The both released in honor newest of the victory in the Great Patriotic War
Made in USSR. 1980's
Estimated delivery times
North America: 1-3 weeks
Europe: 1-3 weeks
Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 2-7 weeks
Asia Pacific: 2-7 weeks
Latin America and the Caribbean: 2-7 weeks
North Africa and the Middle East: 3-7 weeks
Sub-Saharan Africa: 3-7 weeks
There can be delays from the carrier side on the eve of major holidays.