Every Mia Moore Authentic Designs handbag is uniquely designed and handcrafted to be one of a kind. No two bags are exactly the same whether its because of the materials, size, shape, closure, straps, or colors.
This handbag is durably made with a doctors bag closure in a beautiful cracked pepper (shades of gray) cotton yarn accented newest with a single faux leather strap. COLORS - Colors are identified by the names given to the cords but every attempt is made to relate those names with popular color names in parenthesis.
Weighs approximately 10 ounces
Strap hang length is 13 inches. Strap hang length is measured from center of straps down to the top of the handbag.
SIZE - Handbags are handmade using various cords that have some stretching so measurements are approximate but as close to exact as possible.
Product code: Mia Moore Authentic Handcrafted Tote newest handbag Cotton Gray