Product code: MTG cards (Phyrexian all will be one) newest and (Brothers War)
magic the gathering Cards. Only a few cards are foiled (can be seen in pictures, foiled cards have a blueish glint to it) Cards were pulled and put into a sleeve right away From a no smoking home (if anyone cares about that) For those who can't tell what are foiled (1 foiled Tyrranax Rex) (1 foiled non-showcase Phyrexian Vindicator) and (1 foiled Awaken The Woods) Open newest to offers or if you just want one of the cards just ask. Prices checked by TCGplayer.
magic the gathering Cards. Only a few cards are foiled (can be seen in pictures, foiled cards have a blueish glint to it) Cards were pulled and put into a sleeve right away From a no smoking home (if anyone cares about that) For those who can't tell what are foiled (1 foiled Tyrranax Rex) (1 foiled non-showcase Phyrexian Vindicator) and (1 foiled Awaken The Woods) Open newest to offers or if you just want one of the cards just ask. Prices checked by TCGplayer.