Wensleydale, Washed, Wool, Cotted, Felted, Fleece, Locks, newest Spin, Felt, Doll Hair, Photo Prop, Natural, Brown, Gray, Blonde
There are 2 listings:
Brown: 10.4 ounces of washed Wensleydale with average 10+ " locks, approx. 2.5 x 2 feet. Blonde, reddish brown, and dark brown locks over gray. First 4 photos After the "group pic"), with a photo of the back to see the cotting. This piece is firmly cotted (felted while on the sheep before shearing) and pulling the individual locks would be difficult. It can be further felted for wearable art, photo prop, seat cover... The lock structure is beautiful and it is soft and clean.
Gray: 9.4 ounces of washed Wensleydale with average 10+ " locks. More blonde and lighter gray, last 3 photos. This cotted (lightly felted) section can be or further felted or pulled apart for spinning, doll hair, and other crafts. Very clean and soooo soft! A hair detangler spray can help separate the locks.
I will refund excess shipping on multiple items per my shipping policy.
I'm a working professional by day, creating unique beautiful yarn and fiber as my passion. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed creating them!