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✨✨✨ Pray Fast & Give PDF Embroidery Hoop ✨✨✨
This hand-stitched modern Catholic embroidery hoop will help your family live the liturgical year for generations to come! The "Pray, Fast, & Give" is a beautiful work of art for your home as you decorate for Lent or to give as a gift!
Copyright ©2019 Happy Nest Home Goods. All Rights Reserved.
✨✨✨ F E A T U R E S ✨✨✨
-- 6 inch embroidery hoop, ready to hang
-- hand-lettered words "Pray, Fast, Give" stitched on a textured osnaburg fabric
-- hand-stitched palm branch symbolizing the desert of Lent and our journey towards Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and eventually Easter.
-- Felt-backed upon request for durability
✨✨✨ G I F T F O R ✨✨✨
-- Housewarming
-- Thinking of you
-- Easter Gift
-- Mother's Day Gift
-- New Mom
-- Graduation
-- Thank You Gift
✨✨✨ F I N D M O R E ✨✨✨
Check out our whole selection of beautiful embroidery hoops:§ion_id=18544993
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